Well for starters, it’s an orb.
Erm… the orb is also an orb… not a Pyramid. Certainly not a Pyramid Ship. We’ll dismiss the Hypercube.
Or is the Orb an It? Hm..
I must consult the archives, this concludes cosmology with Sixberry.
Hm… naturally old tech would hold back on key info. But then again, better to see an answer as opposed to hearing about it. Now that I think about it… wouldn’t mind seeing more usage of long ranged weaponry (Cause you’ve gotta admit, nothing can outsmart a classic bullet… or thirty).
Wait was the comment at the bottom an SR_kaif reference? Or am I insane.
How do they know what an orbit is ?
How does the.. Artificial intelligence.. Know what an orbit is..? :p
Well for starters, it’s an orb.
Erm… the orb is also an orb… not a Pyramid. Certainly not a Pyramid Ship. We’ll dismiss the Hypercube.
Or is the Orb an It? Hm..
I must consult the archives, this concludes cosmology with Sixberry.
So what makes her think that Mis is going to tell her. I anything Mis won’t just to annoy her. And lets be honest Mis told lars to not tell Fen.
Fen: DAMNIT LARS! *sticks food in her mouth
LARS: *ignores her comment as usual and gets right to business*
Hm… naturally old tech would hold back on key info. But then again, better to see an answer as opposed to hearing about it. Now that I think about it… wouldn’t mind seeing more usage of long ranged weaponry (Cause you’ve gotta admit, nothing can outsmart a classic bullet… or thirty).
Have to admit the one thing we learn overtime is how to throw rocks very hard, and very accurately.
We were BUILT to throw rocks, even if we’re using pullpup rifles and railguns to do it for us. Rock throwing capital of the universe.
a military bunker if it remains hermetic resists in itself in an unlimited period of time only the SSDs and the batteries die with time
I… don’t have half a clue what that is even supposed to mean.
Not a vague idea in my mind.
So is this where we get to see more of this world’s tech?