Ah, yes, the taxes. They do be dominating, this month.
Also, I really like how consistently subtle the passage of time is. It was pointed out before, right, but it’s fun how the clothes just vanish the more they get into it, without you having to draw said clothes being removed. Saves time, too!
Aaand as usual, proportions/shading/fluids are stellar.
That thumb and smirk, though…
Ah, yes, the taxes. They do be dominating, this month.
Also, I really like how consistently subtle the passage of time is. It was pointed out before, right, but it’s fun how the clothes just vanish the more they get into it, without you having to draw said clothes being removed. Saves time, too!
Aaand as usual, proportions/shading/fluids are stellar.
Excuse me! What do you think you’re doing with that thu… uh, yeah, okay, that’s nice…
Let the yiff fest commence!!! Lol