Ah, yes. The tournament. The tournament that’s part of this chapter. This chapter’s tournament. That tournament. .. We’ll get to that.
Ah, yes. The tournament. The tournament that’s part of this chapter. This chapter’s tournament. That tournament. .. We’ll get to that.
Oh, there’s a tournament arc.
I mean, this is tremendously exciting, but also, good luck, rest well, and I’m mildly concerned for you. But only mildly.
Comic's been great, so, I trust!
Either my retention is really bad, or this particular chapter’s kind of going a little bit everywhere.
Honestly, it’s probably the former. I have the attention span of a goldfish, these days.
It is a little bit of a mixed bag, I’m working the focus back in though. Sometimes I just wanna play around with stuff :p
Tournament arc? Tournament arc.
I will say if this tournament has as many strong competitors as it sounds like it would have. It would be a show to see. Wonder who would win. But I haven’t seen all competitors yet so hard to say.
fen enters the tournament…
*ethereal dragon mode active. give up mortals*
Nah that isn’t sporting. Plus I would think Miss tell her not to use that form even if she would lose.
Time for the tournament arc. YEAH!!